space space


Publisher name:Magellanica

Published games

Into the Dark Continent Magellanica BoardInto the D... C...
Into the Dear Caress Magellanica BoardInto the D... C...
Into the Death of Civilization Magellanica BoardInto the D... C...
Into the Deserted Chapel Magellanica BoardInto the D... C...
Into the Domain of Capella Magellanica BoardInto the D... C...
Into the Dragon's Cave Magellanica BoardInto the D... C...
Into the Dream Center Magellanica BoardInto the D... C...
Jackal Archipelago2017MagellanicaDmitry KibkaloBoard 
Selfie Cards2018MagellanicaSergei AbdulmanovBoard 
Spot em Fast2018MagellanicaDmitry KibkaloBoard 
Whos There?2018MagellanicaDmitry KibkaloBoard 
Wishes and Dreams2018MagellanicaDmitry KibkaloBoard 

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